i deleted my memory year 2010! i just cant remember :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
What God is doing you may not know now,
But someday you’ll understand why;
Questions that taunt you and trouble your mind
Will one day have heaven’s reply. —Hess
What’s better than answers to our why questions?
Trusting a good God who has His reasons.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
i realize i always comes back to this situation.
my cross road decision time.
what's next God?
what do you want me to do next?
im kindda lost!
i need to listen from God.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Everyone is praying about Tsunami victims that happened just now in JAPAN, and heard its also might affecting else where, some times i think God allow this things to happen because he wants us to pray and focus and uphold everything to him, to know that He is God, sometimes for some people in fact most of us, in times of troubles we only will pray urgently. And now its a lent season of fast and pray, so we should be alert all the time and be sensitive with Holy spirit reminder. Its a lesson for me to learn today :)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
been very stress lately, i must go for a drink tonite!
Recently been going to a club/bar, they have live bands
and i love it! :)
Today will face some banana JAM again. sien
realize i din use xiao lan for very long. when will i gonna use you again. i am sorry i hide you for so long :/