Monday, August 11, 2008

a new handphone

i was thinking of buying a new hp,cuz my hp rosak tat day...was very sad about it...cuz i used to take picture using tat one and onli hp + digital cam...sob sob..but i still duno which phone brand shd i buy..any comment?


☠ .v.i.v.i. ☠ said...

Sony lo...
Since u like to take pic so much...
see my blog de pic all usin SONY hp de ler...
consider it bahh...

heavenly said...

Huh,so fast broken ald what did you do to it????I support sony Ericsson

garrylin said...

Well, Nokia is losing out in the market nowadays... I suppose SonyEricssons is overtaking the market... Besides, SonyEricsson is famous for their camera edition camera. Nokia , not bad too~ can consider.. bottom line... See your budget~

Tiffanny琪公主👸🏼 said...

I support nokia o......yeah!!!! if u wanna know more call me la...can give u more details abt hp....hahaha.....( i am nokia promoter)

z - rIce said...

sony erison cybershot better la...since u like to take photo...

samenduck|samenmouse said...

thank thanks for the comment....meaning sony ericsson cybershot wins..ned to save money to buy it also....thanks thanks ya.....