ppl so call this bob hair...i duno wat izit la...but i cut this for rm15 only...well...i was really shok kao kao when i she cut....seems cant accept it first....cut behind is kindda short...mayb in few picture angle u cant see it...haha..well, when u guys see me in person then u all will see ba...hehe...well, now i have to try to love my bob hair la....welcome to helmet world..^^
oh? new hair cut again ar? did you do something to your eyes? Does not look like Samentha anymore haha. you look prettier than before, maybe is pakto edi, people also look different huh.... Cute la cute la.... haha anyway, take care...
uiseh...become more cutie ah...haha
haha....welcome to helmet group.=)
weeee~ so cute..so helmet :)
You look cute...hehehe...
If i cut like that, my bf will prefer don't recognize me...
Really cute like little mushroom
oh? new hair cut again ar? did you do something to your eyes? Does not look like Samentha anymore haha. you look prettier than before, maybe is pakto edi, people also look different huh....
Cute la cute la.... haha anyway, take care...
wah~ your photo look like a dono what artist ler...LOL
look suit to u..XD
love it love it love it
haha...thanks you all...at first also not too biasa yet..but now okie liao lo..^^
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