Saturday, January 17, 2009

am i lost?

would you take these hands of mine and use me?
would you take these feet of mine and lead me?
lost sheep.


Anonymous said...

Yes, God will take your little hand and lead you to go through any circumstances. For God won't let us go through something that we cannot bear..

Although it's tough, but be thankful for everything that we been through because those are a precious learning lesson where we are completely broken and God will pick us up pieces by pieces to shape us according to His perfect plan.

Power of thanksgiving is powerful and it can help you to think positively towards anything that come to you. Be tough and be strong! You can do it because God can do it for u. :)

Vui Theng

yatzi jean lau tan said...

lead me too...
we will follow Him...

lost kambing 2