Monday, November 8, 2010

children are simple.

today i want to share something about my kids.
hehe...i am talking about my church bm faith kids.
if you guys don't know, im in charge of BM kids in my church.
well, my BM really not good :p and i also don't know why
God put me in this ministry?!
but i am sure one thing is i learn a lot
from the kids..really a lot...
children are simple :)
i remember around last 2 months,
a kid named Adam. age 3
after he finish his drawing.
he bring to me and show me his art piece.
at that time i dint appreciated it and dint even look at it and
i asked him to go back to his place.
i think he felt really sad and hurt.
straight away he destroy his drawing in front of me
and pukul me :p and cried in front of me.
i think i really hurt him.
that's y he is so sad.
this is a lesson i learned and
i wont repeat the same mistake again :)
well, at the end i said sorry to him
and i asked him to forgive me.
and he did.
children are simple.

treat children as people too, they know and they can feel :)

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